
Transitional Sober Living in Denver

If you’re here, you might be looking for help.

We provide transitional housing for men in recovery. Our Mission is to guide people to a new way of life with a community that provides a second chance, camaraderie, support, and accountability.

We assist in recovery from substance use disorder. SUD affects millions of people across the globe. We offer a safe place to recover, using accountability, structure, weekly meetings, and a job program that guarantees employment within 30 days of admittance. Allow us to join you in your recovery journey, to a new way of thinking and living.

Not sure where to start? Watch this video to learn about our mission and how we can help you.

We can help today. Get in touch now.

Call Chris anytime. (720)530-9809

We have three locations serving the Denver area





You provide your own food and toiletries, we provide the rest. One of the most important things for Empower Recovery Homes is that your living space feels like a real home. Tour our homes to see for yourself.


We can secure employment within 30 days of arrival, and have multiple programs serving as a pipeline for long term career placement. We offer a variety of employment-related services, such as job search, resume building, interview coaching. And we already have a guaranteed referral program from local area businesses.


Our homes provide a safe and substance-free living environment for individuals in recovery. This can help residents avoid the triggers and temptations that may have contributed to their addiction in the past. Empower Recovery’s program along with accountability among all clients provides a safe place to recover.

Chris McDonald, Founder

I understand the dark places that substance use disorder can take us. After years of using and being trapped in a seemingly hopeless cycle of failure and fear, I found a sober living house in Nashville that saved my life. Once I discovered a program of recovery my way of thinking started to change. Once my thinking changed my behavior soon followed. I learned that I couldn’t think my way out of my addiction or my problems. In fact, the more thinking I did the more hopeless I felt. Recovery taught me that we must act our way into a better life. Action is the only step that will bring about change. If you are struggling with fear and uncertainty created by SUD, I identify with you. If you are reading this then you have already started taking action, even if you don’t know it. Action brought me to a place of peace and serenity. My journey was by no means easy, but the end result meant I could be a father to my children. It meant I could find a career that I was passionate about. It led me to a place of total accountability which led me to a new life. Join me on your journey and allow me to help give you what was so freely given to me. 

We can help you today. Call Chris.
